Thursday, March 25, 2010

Its Day 4 in Mae Sot

We are so far behind in posting these has been a crazy week but will continue to get to these internet cafe's and blog blog blog.

After looking over Becky's leg and noticing that he really seemed to smash it up on the bike....we were glad that today would be the last day on the bikes.

It was quite a morning....I (Andrew) was woken up several times with loud chirping noises thinking there was a bird in our room so in the middle of the night I started flailing around smashing the walls with a pillow trying to kill a bird that didn't exist.

This would continue throughout the night and I would never see any type of bird in the room.

We quickly chocked down some mango, bread and coffee before heading out to meet with a few of the people we have been volunteering with throughout the week. They made us a wonderful breakfast that I thought was delicious but Becky thought otherwise.

It was a bowl of noodles with some great spices and in the US it would be considered a soup or something that resembles a wonderful lunch. Soup Broth, Noodles, Onions, limes, chives and crispy bean crackers....mmmmmm..mmmm good.

During this breakfast we met an Australian who has been roamin' around the town and talked with us quite a bit about the culture. It was a great morning and an all around good time for all! Becky was on her bike again and dinged up her leg to grow that wonderful bruise she has started.

We rode our bikes back to Brian and Jess's house so Becky and Lita could get fitted to turn their purchases from the market into beautiful dresses. Jess will be bringing these to the beach in a few weeks once we leave Cambodia and head south.

After this adventure around Bri Bri's house, we headed out on a long bike ride to a pool for a dip and a nap. One would never think a bike ride along a highway could be so empty. Throughout our bike ride of 35 minutes we dodged cars and headed toward a very large hotel that reminded me of a casino in Vegas. The bulging letters in red at the top of the hotel just drinks when you sit down at the penny slot machines. It was quite a site.....and come to find was just a hotel with a pool and tennis court in the back.

When we arrived, there was nobody manning the bar and I had an urge to jump back there, pour us some Singha beer and jump straight into the pool. You would be surprised how quickly someone comes out of nowhere to serve us....the luxuries of being in Southeast Asia.

We hung around this place for quite some time. Many of us fell asleep while reading by the pool and the sun glaring down at us. The one thing that got me to jump up was the sound of snake patrol. Even though I am a bit jumpy around snakes, I never thought I could wake from a deep slumber and jump up onto the lounge chair to get far away from the slithery bastard.

This would be the last trip on our Thailand bikes. We headed back to Auntie's Coffee shop and paid her 30 baht per day for the bike.

This would be our last night in Mae Sot :(.....

We have been reading and hearing about this restaurant a bit out of town called 'The Jungle Restaurant' which was quite a jungle. Once we returned these bikes, we went back to the hotel for a bit....showered, changed, and headed out to the Jungle Restaurant.

This was also a massive outside restaurant that had tables everywhere.....I have to say though...the bathroom was the best part.

You get to piss in a tree! The things they do to keep tourists satisfied.......

An adventure of this day is over and we headed back to pack.......on our way to Chang Mai which should hold some great adventures.


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